God is the creator of the entire universe. Because he made everything he owns it all; he rules over it all; he holds it all together with the same power by which he created it. He set it in motion and set the rules by which it operates. God created everything and upholds it all simply by speaking it into existence. Nothing can thwart his design.
For all eternity God exists as one singular being with a
mysterious relational essence. He is unified in purpose, in power, in glory,
yet he has always been satisfied in his perfect intertrinitatarian relationship
of love; the Father, his perfect image, the Son, and the everlasting love
between themselves, the Holy Spirit. God was perfectly joyful in his own
relationship, but out of the overflow of his goodness he created the world,
with a particular emphasis on people who would reflect his relational joy, so
that his loving Spirit would indwell them as he does God himself.
Throughout history God has revealed himself to be a strong
provider and protector, supplying every need for his people and lovingly
keeping them from greatest harm. God is a judge who will punish every evil and
right every wrong which has infected his perfect creation. God is the commander
of the most powerful host of angelic soldiers while at the same time he is the
kind and gentle father to his weak and needy children. He has a tender heart
toward the outcasts of society, toward the meek and lowly, toward the abused
and broken. He guides all of history to bring them to himself that they may be
healed, lifted up, and cherished experiencing his perfect joy.
In one of the greatest mysteries in the world, God became a
man, Jesus, who lived, breathed, walked on this earth experiencing hunger,
sadness, joy, pain, and longing as we have yet without once straying from the
perfect will of the Father. By his eternal power he performed miracles of
healing, miracles of creation, miracles of forgiveness. Even though he deserved
all honor he worked for the honor of others. Even though he possessed all the riches
of the world, he had no place to lay his head. Even though he himself was the
source of life, he died at the hands of Roman executioners. But death could not
contain him; rising from the grave after three days in the tomb and ascending
into heaven after 40 days among his people he now sits upon his throne in
heaven as sovereign ruler of the world working for the good of his people.
But he did not leave his people alone; he sent his Holy
Spirit so that he would not only dwell among us, but within us. The Holy Spirit
convicts people of sin and judgment. He reveals truth to the darkened heart and
brings sight to the blind. He exists as the enactment of God’s perfect will and
proceeds from the Father and the Son as the perfect love they enjoy forever. This
same Spirit dwells not only in the Godhead but also within his own people,
enabling them to experience true joy, to know his truth and his will, to love
others as he has loved his own. The Holy Spirit guides his people through this
broken world, comforting them through difficulty until he renews it all back to
perfect glory.
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